Smart Glasses And The Auto Industry Part 1

To see smart glasses take hold within the general public I expect them to enter the high-end auto market first. The customer profile, the…

December Daily Design

Much Code, Wow Design It’s important to keep all of your skills sharp- especially the ones you’re most passionate about. I love building new…

Weekend Build: Water Tracker UI

This is really not so much a weekend build as a when-I-find-time build. It’ll be a running log of my overall thought process and the…

Web People Rock

The web industry has a reputation for attracting, and sometimes cultivating, people who would find themselves at the fringes of the normal…

The Fast App

There is so much going on. I need to plan, build, and release a small app. I’ve had ideas piling up for years, but now it’s time to move…

Studying the Human Body

The human body is far more incredible than I ever realized. I’ve recently begun studying personal training and just the first few chapters…

Coffee and Success

Mornings and I haven’t seen much of each other for the better part of a decade. The only way I was getting up with the sun was to put in a…

World Cup Fitness Inspiration

The World Cup brings to my life an incredible joy every four years. It also offers an interesting moment to consider how life has changed…

Design Your Life

Students are the best. They teach us more about ourselves than we could have ever presumed they could. I’ve been repeating a simple…